Apple unveils the new iPad Pro with dual camera, LIDAR and a new magic keyboard with a touchpad

Finally and after the number of rumors we've had these days, the Curertino company has just launched the new iPad Pro 2020. In this case, the main theme they added to the presentation is "Your next computer is not a computer", so they clearly made it clear to all users to consider buying a Mac before … The design is similar to the previous model but we found improvements in cameras (in bulk), on the keyboard and on the interior.

The same design as the Retina display is as prominent as the original model, interior remodeled with 8 processor music that Apple described is so powerful that most laptops would like to have their own speed, technology EASY (Light detection and mounting) lets you determine the distance by measuring the time it takes to get a light bulb to reach an object and point back the sensor around a dual 10 Mpx camera and 12 Mpx wide-angle.

Here are some of its key definitions:

  • 128 GB on its basic model and other models of 256, 512 and 1 TB
  • Screen 11 and 12.9 inches
  • A wide rear camera with dual width
  • 879 euros in the 11 basic model and 1099 in the 12.9 model
  • Silver color and gray area
These new iPad Pro will be available from March 25 and eThe new magic keyboard will be available later than a certain date yet. The The Magic Keyboard adds a backlit keyboard, a USB C charging port and an integrated Trackpad. You can now place yours on Apple's official website. We will continue to see the news of these new iPad Pro models introduced by Apple directly on the company's website.



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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