Apps against COVID-19 and battery problem

11 Pro Max Battery Phone

Battery is a valuable commodity, many now realize that they are tied to video televisions or telework-related applications, applications that constantly update, receive notifications and work in the background.

As we are well aware, many government agencies are betting on the implementation of mobile applications to monitor the population and thus control the current epidemic with more accurate data. However, in Australia the conflict between an application against COVID-19 and a battery of users has already been disclosed,

Is it worth betting on these technologies?

First of all we have to say that in Australia they have decided to introduce this downloaded system to 2 million devices in the country. This app is based entirely on a version that Switzerland has made available to its citizens called TraceTo completely. Now comes problems, iOS is closing those background apps that use Bluetooth and other types of functionality to preserve users' privacy,

And this causes users to constantly open the app for optimum performance, which results in increased battery usage.

Apple has said at one point: "You should not completely shut down apps on iOS, which uses extra battery because you have to restart them, iOS handles multitasking independently"

. This is not possible for example in Android, where the system is not that big with these kinds of applications running in the background. So it seems the most sensible thing to do is wait for Apple to release its own version or continue to make much higher battery use using these government programs to do our bit compared to COVID-19.



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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