How can the Weather app be influenced by the purchase of Dark Sky?

A few days ago we knew that Apple had acquired the Dark Sky app, known for its & # 39; hyperlocal & # 39; However, there is bad news for wearOS users and Android users as the app will stop working on their platforms from July 1. Apple's purchase of this app will not go down to the ear we hope to see great improvements in the Weather app

on iOS 14. That's why some designers plan to work to show us what the Weather app on iOS 14 might be like, influenced by the lights and shadows of Dark Sky.

Time: The more visual, colorful and more powerful the more

Parker Ortolani was in charge of getting the idea trying to put together the best of Sky Sky on a powerful base like the iOS Weather app 13. The newly purchased app features its satellite maps with different display modes, notifications containing content related to the user's location and overall design.

By Ortolani the a new use of time must have a new design, was not only influenced by Dark Sky but by the iOS 13 line of updates, since this application takes a long time without changing its structure. In the pictures we can see a large number of whites, which would be a good point and turn it into a black mode view. In addition, the most relevant item on the screen is the weather icon, the temperature and the location where it displays the forecast.

Included a forecast map where we can slide our finger across the bar throughout the day, and then satellite by what the weather will be like in our area, just as we would in Dark Sky. On the other hand, it combine relevant notifications such as the possibility of it starting to rain in our area or landing on something else in space. This way, we can access relevant application information without having to access or wait for its update.



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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