Huawei Card, another Asian destination for Apple Car

Last year Apple announced the most controversial and least controversial of its "done" design, credit card. I was surprised that the same company that advocated for the abolition of physical payment due to Apple Pay was entering the world of credit cards and unsatisfied that they provided a re-created card with metallic objects, leaving an odyssey of our thoughts. Huawei aspiring to hold Apple's position in China has decided to bet on the introduction of Apple Card's pure credit card system.

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How could it be otherwise, this card is called Huawei Card. We know that the Apple Card though introduced more than a year ago can only be found in the United States of America, something like this will happen with Huawei Card, and that is if the credit card from the Asian company is focused on the Chinese market. It is true that Huawei has a significant history of logical similarity with Apple, but the question in this case is: What company does it have? For years, Xiaomi has focused its efforts on supporting its products on the principles Apple uses in its range, and this seems unlikely.

In the meantime, at the center of these issues is still unknown the exact date of the suspension of this credit card which will obviously have NFC technology (a very unpopular item in China, where they pay a fee for QR code). In any case, this card is black and has a yellow company logo As well as the owner's name, would that make it completely different from the competition, would it also be an instrument?



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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