First person shooter •

I play the slut Terminator: resistance.

This is not what I expected in the Terminator game, but here we are in Los Angeles after the end of the world, struggling to maintain the right desire in the war on machines.

Terminator: Resistance

  • Developer: Teyong
  • announcer: Reef Entertainment
  • Platform: Comment on PS4 Pro
  • Availability: Now available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One

Among the people behind the terrible Rambo game of 2014, there are conversational choices for this first-person shooter. At one point, I had a chance to have sex with a woman who led the resistance you were fighting for. She wants me to kill her. I'm not sure I would like to do this, partly because I'm scared of the prospect of playing another numbing task. However, she said she was worth my time. Then a dialogue choice appeared: press the heartbeat (I'm explaining) or walk away? Press the heartbeat!

So she took me by hand to a room at the bottom of the bunker, where there was a bed. Good bed after Apocalypse Los Angeles! Then, from a first-person perspective, we did it, and her last generation face all appeared on my grill, groaning and twisting. After a minute, we were done. "You're fired," she said, pushing me open the door. I tried to go back but the door was locked. What, no time to drink a spoon?